Mistborn - The Final Empire

A book by Brandon Sanderson

It holds up the hype! This was not my first Sanderson book, I started with Elantris and it's clear as day how much he improved between that and Mistborn. Even from Elantris, you can tell he has a knack for building worlds. He's quite creative, but could not keep the reader at the edge of their seat, after not too many chapters you could tell where the story was going. That is not the case with the Final Empire, the attention to detail in developing Allomancy is quite impressive.

He loves expanding on the world and taking you on a journey and I'm afraid that might not be for everyone. I loved getting lost in the details and letting my imagination be guided through Luthadel and beyond. I also appreciate that it doesn't leave you on a cliffhanger, the first book closes the loop on a story leaving room to explore what happens after. I saw this in Darker Shade of Magic and loved being able to get some closure at the end of a book.

If you love fantasy books and exploring creative worlds, the Mistborn saga is for you!

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